
樫本 温


教授 (学長)

医学博士(山梨大学)平成2年 6月6日


昭和57年4月1日  山梨医科大学医学部麻酔科学講座助手
平成 2年4月1日  市立甲府病院麻酔科医長
平成 4年1月16日 山梨医科大学医学部麻酔科学講座助教授
平成19年4月1日  山梨大学准教授大学院医学工学総合研究部(麻酔科)
平成20年9月1日  富士吉田市立病院 院長
令和3年4月1日  現在に至る

平成22年12月13日 より、山梨大学医学部臨床教授








1. 熊沢光生,樫本温,田中行夫,真鍋雅信,高島征助,木下久雄,山本巌:ハロセン,エンフルレンの気化器への誤注入に関する研究、麻酔、33,(8),882-888、1984
2. 樫本温,日野原真一,熊沢光生,田中行夫:高負荷ラット潅流心における diltiazem の心筋保護作用、循環制御、6,(2),135-139、1985
3. 熊澤光生,樫本温,田中行夫,真鍋雅信,斎藤裕:心筋虚血後の血行動態と心筋代謝に与えるフェンタニールとモルヒネの影響に関する研究、麻酔、34,(4),423-428、1985
4. 樫本温,大川岩夫,田中行夫,熊沢光生:ハロセンの心筋代謝に及ぼす影響;Rate pressure product との関連、麻酔、34,(9),1203-1207、1985
5. 樫本温,宮地隆治,大川岩夫,辻ゆり,新谷周三,熊沢光生:全身麻酔導入薬としての FlunitrazepamとThiamylalの比較、日本臨床麻酔学会誌、6,(2),179-182、1986
6. 樫本温,日野原真一,宮地隆治,熊沢光生:高負荷ラット潅流心におけるエンフルレンの心筋保護作用、麻酔、35,(8),1195-1198、1986
7. 樫本温,日野原真一,雨宮たつみ,熊沢光生:ラットの急性出血性ショックにおけるウリナスタチンの肝エネルギー代謝に及ぼす影響、麻酔、35,(10),1495-1498、1986
8. 日野原真一,樫本温,熊沢光生:ラットの心筋代謝に及ぼすPGE持続投与の影響、循環制御、8,(2),253-256、1987
9. 樋口浩二,樫本温,東和美,赤松功也:細菌汚染と清掃方法、日本手術部医学会誌、9,(4),406-410、1988
10. 樫本温,野中明彦,久米正記,熊沢光生:ラットの出血性ショックにおける吸入麻酔薬の肝内ATPとL/P比に及ぼす影響、麻酔、38,1406-1410、1989
11. 松川隆,花形和之,熊沢光生,真鍋雅信,中込昌子,鈴木まほみ,中村敏弘,山口敏昭,久米正記,樫本温:硬膜外大量フェンタニ−ル麻酔下の腹部手術におけるプロスタグランジンE1(PGE1)の術中体温,術後Shiveringに与える影響、麻酔、40,(10),1495-1502、1991
12. 山口敏明,樫本温,小口健史:プロスタグランジンE1の投与による血管炎に対するノイロトロピンの抑制効果、現代医療、24,2808-2811、1992
13. 久米正記, 樫本温, 山口敏昭, 熊沢光生:ニカルジピンの心機能と心筋代謝に与える影響、循環制御、14, 57-62、1993
14. 樫本温,今村誠,小口健史,山口敏昭,野中明彦,熊澤光生:プロスタグランジンE1の輸液速度と濃度が静脈炎に及ぼす影響、臨床麻酔、19,189-191、1995
15. 松岡久訓,松川隆,樫本温,堀瀬忠直,今村誠,川村淳夫,高橋信,松浦孝幸,内田昌子,山口敏昭,中村敏弘,小口健史,久米正記,熊澤光生:3種類の輸液剤でプロスタグランジンE1(PGE1)を溶解した場合の血管炎の発生率、現代医療、27,713-716、1995
16. 樫本温,中村敏弘,古屋敦司,久米正記,熊澤光生:ラットの心肺標本における骨セメントの心機能と代謝に及ぼす影響とウリナスタチンの予防効果についての検討、麻酔、44,1477-1481、1995
17. 樫本温,古屋敦司,松本尚美,村松菜美,岩本竜一,松岡久訓,山口敏昭,野中明彦,松川隆,熊澤光生:プロスタグランジンE1による静脈炎と静脈の太さとの関係、現代医療、27,3329-3332、1995
18. 野中明彦,樫本温,松川隆,熊澤光生:中枢ー末梢温度較差からみた末梢循環への影響--プロスタグランジンE1とアムリノンの比較--、麻酔、45,576-581、1996
19. 池谷一盛,樫本温,久米正記,熊澤光生:ラットの急性出血におけるステロイド剤の肝内ATPとL/P比に及ぼす影響、麻酔、46,613-617、1997
20. 池谷一盛,樫本温,久米正記,熊澤光生:ラットの急性出血における乳酸リンゲル液と酢酸リンゲル液の肝内ATPとL/P比に及ぼす影響、麻酔、47,36-41、1998
21. 池谷一盛,樫本温,久米正記,熊澤光生:ラットの急性出血における高張乳酸ナトリウム液の肝内ATPとL/P比に及ぼす影響、麻酔、47,1422-1426、1998
22. 川村敦夫,山口敏昭,中村敏弘,小口健史,樫本温,熊澤光生:胸部大動脈瘤手術症例における周術期合併症の検討、Cardiovascular Anesthesia、2,25-29、1998
23. 古屋敦司,野中明彦,樫本温,岩本竜一,熊澤光生:開腹手術におけるアムリノンとドパミン又はドブタミン併用が末梢循環に与える影響、山梨医大誌、15,13-18、2000
24. 山田達也,野村実,岩出宗代,近江明文,樫本温,吉岡斉,菊池利浩,藤本啓子,本田完,関誠,石黒俊彦,武田純三:虚血性心疾患患者の非心臓手術の周術期管理に関する他施設共同研究--第1報--、麻酔、49,673-679、2000
25. 岩出宗代,野村実,山田達也,近江明文,樫本温,吉岡斉,菊池利浩,藤本啓子,本田完,関誠,石黒俊彦,武田純三:虚血性心疾患患者の非心臓手術の周術期管理に関する他施設共同研究--第2報--、麻酔、49,796-801、2000
26. 池谷一盛,樫本温,久米正記,熊澤光生:N-nitro-L-argininemethyl ester (L-NAME) のヒドロキシラジカルに及ぼす影響-吸入麻酔薬との相互作用- 麻酔、50,365-370、2001
27. 池谷一盛,久米正記,佐藤宏明,樫本温,熊澤光生:術中・術後のプロスタグランジンE1投与が低血圧麻酔下の人工股関節全形成術後の肝機能と出血量に及ぼす影響、麻酔、51,377-381、2002
28. 池谷一盛,樫本温,熊澤光生:術中・術後のプロスタグランジンE1投与が低血圧麻酔下の人工股関節全形成術後の腎機能と尿量に及ぼす影響、麻酔、52,616-620、2003

29. Manabe M, Kumazawa T, Tanaka Y, Kashimoto S:Proposed table for estimation of minute volume during general anesthesia.  Hiroshima Journal of Anesthesia. 20,(4),241-249, 1984
30. Kashimoto S, Tanaka Y, Manabe M, Kumazawa T: Comparison of hemodynamic and metabolic effects of fentanyl and morphine in isolated rat heart lung preparations. Hiroshima Journal of Anesthesia. 21,(1),19-25, 1985
31. Manabe M, Kumazawa T, Tanaka Y, Saitoh Y, Kashimoto S: End-tidal CO2 monitoring during high frequency ventilation. Hiroshima Journal of Anesthesia. 21,(1),27-31, 1985
32. Kashimoto S, Hinohara S, Miyaji T, Kumazawa T: Effects of naloxone on cardiac energy metabolism in acute hemorrhage in rats. Resuscitation. 14,157-161, 1986
33. Kashimoto S, Tsuji Y, Miyaji T, Kumazawa T: Effects of fentanyl and fentanyl-diazepam on myocardial metabolism in isolated rat heart lung preparation. Hiroshima Journal of Anesthesia. 22,(4),297-303, 1986
34. Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Effects of urinastatin on cardiac energy metabolism in acute hemorrhage in rats. Resuscitation. 14,193-197, 1986
35. Kashimoto S, Tsuji Y, Kumazawa T: Effects of halothane and enflurane on myocardial metabolism during postischaemic reperfusion in the rat. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 31,44-47, 1987
36. Kashimoto S, Hinohara S, Tanaka Y, Kumazawa T: Effects of thiopental on cardiac energy metabolisms in postischemic reperfusion in rat. Journal of Anesthesia. 1,77-81, 1987
37. Kashimoto S, Hinohara S, Kumazawa T: Fifty percent nitrous oxide depresses recovery from anoxic heart failure induced by 100% nitrous oxide. Journal of Anesthesia. 1,119-124, 1987
38. Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Protective effects of superoxide dismutase against oxygen toxicity in rat's heart lung preparation. Japanese Circulation Journal. 51,(9),1022-1026, 1987
39. Kashimoto S: Effects of isoflurane on myocardial metabolism during postischaemic reperfusion in the rat. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 32,199-202, 1988
40. Kashimoto S, Hinohara S, Kumazawa T: Effects of volatile anesthetics on cardiac metabolism in the low-pressure perfused rat heart. Journal of Anesthesia. 2,12-16, 1988
41. Kashimoto S, Hinohara S, Kumazawa T: Effects of naloxone on cardiac energy metabolism in hypovolemic shock in rats. Resuscitation. 17,33-38, 1989
42. Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Kume M, Manabe M, Kumazawa T: Effects of sevoflurane on myocardial metabolism during postischemic reperfusion in the rat. Journal of Anesthesia. 3,23-26, 1989
43. Kashimoto S, Nakagomi M, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: The effects of ulinastatin on cardiac and hepatic energy metabolism in rats subjected to hypovolemic shock. Journal of Anesthesia. 4,40-44, 1990
44. Kashimoto S, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Anesthetic influence on myocardial energy metabolism during hemorrhagic shock in rats. Resuscitation. 19,159-165, 1990
45. Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Kume M, Kumazawa T: Interaction between calcium channel blockers and volatile anaesthetics in the rat heart-lung preparation. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 64,601-605, 1990 学位論文
46. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Kumazawa T: Functional and metabolic effects of bupivacaine and lignocaine in the rat heart-lung preparation. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 65,521-526, 1990
47. Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Oguchi T, Kume M, Kumazawa T: Protective effects of prostaglandin I2 analogues on CPK release in rat's heart-lung preparation. Journal of Anesthesia. 5, 359-362, 1991
48. Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Functional and metabolic effects of propafenone in the rat heart-lung preparation. Journal of Anesthesia. 5, 392-395, 1991
49. Kashimoto S, Nonaka A, Nakamura T, Yamaguchi T, Kumazawa T: Cardiac and Hepatic metabolism in spontaneously hypertensive rats following acute blood loss. Journal of Anesthesia. 6, 284-288, 1992
50. Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Yamaguchi T: Prostaglandin E1 reduces blood loss during and after resection of lumbar herniated disc. Journal of Anesthesia. 6, 294-296, 1992
51. Kume M, Kashimoto S *, Kumazawa T: Functional and metabolic effects of mexiletine in the rat heart-lung preparation. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 9, 223-228, 1992
52. Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Effects of prostacyclin analogue, OP-2507, on function and metabolism in the ischemic working rat heart. Journal of Anesthesia. 6, 446-454, 1992
53. Nakamura T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Effects of propafenone on function and metabolism in the ischemic working rat heart. Heart and Vessels. 7, 169-174, 1992
54. Kashimoto S, Nonaka A, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Anesthetic influences on myocardial and hepatic energy metabolism in hemorrhaged spontaneous hypertensive rats. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 168, 475-481, 1992
55. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Miyaji T, Hanagata K, Iriki M, Kumazawa T: A new infrared tympanic thermometer in surgery and anesthesia. Journal of Anesthesia. 7, 33-39, 1993
56. Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Is pentobarbital appropriate for basal anesthesia in the working rat heart model? Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 29,37-43, 1993
57. Kashimoto S, Doursout MF, Hartley C, Chelly JE: Effects of thiopental and ketamine on cardiac function during moderate hemorrhage in chronically instrumented rats. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology. 21,829-833, 1993
58. Yamaguchi T, Kashimoto S, Kanda F: Diltiazem attenuates the circulatory responses to rapid-sequence intubation in emergency intracranial surgery. Hiroshima Journal of Anesthesia. 29,97-101, 1993
59. Kashimoto S, Nonaka A, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura T, Kumazawa: Effects of inhalation anesthetics on myocardial and hepatic energy metabolism in normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats subjected to hemorrhage. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 38, 187-191, 1994
60. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Kume M, Kanda F, Kumazawa T: Effects of a forced-air system(Bair Hugger,OR-type) on intraoperative temperature in patients with open abdominal surgery. Journal of Anesthesia. 8,25-27, 1994
61. Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Kume M, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Effects and interaction of nicardipine and volatile anesthetics in the rat heart-lung preparation. Journal of Anesthesia. 8,78-83, 1994
62. Yamaguchi T, Kashimoto S: Effects of double administration of nicardipine of the cardiovascular response to tracheal intubation in hypertensive patients. Journal of Anesthesia. 8,146-149, 1994
63. Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Nonaka A, Kume M, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Effects of artificial blood(FC-43 emulsion) on myocardial energy metabolism in the rat heart-lung preparation. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 73,380-383, 1994
64. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T, Miyaji T, Hashimoto M, Iriki M: Effects of halothane and enflurane on the peripheral vasoconstriction and shivering induced by internal body cooling in rabbits. Journal of Anesthesia. 8,311-315, 1994
65. Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Comparative effects of halothane, enflurane, isoflurane and sevoflurane on function and metabolism in the ischaemic rat heart. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 74,569-575, 1995
66. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Iida Y, Nonaka A, Kume M, Kumazawa T: Educational practice of medical students with nitrous oxide. Anesthesia and Resuscitation. 31,69-71, 1995
67. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Sessler DI, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Intraoperative performance of a new infrared aural canal thermometer (Quickthermo). Hokuriku Journal of Anesthesiology. 29,15-19, 1995
68. Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Kumazawa T, Hashimoto K: Effects of intravenous anesthetics on function and metabolism in the reperfused working rat heart. Japanese Journal of Pharmacology. 68, 413-421, 1995
69. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Matsuoka H, Takahashi M, Kumazawa T: Effects of prostaglandin E1 on intra-operative central and peripheral temperatures during upper abdominal surgery. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 12, 417-422, 1995
70. Nonaka A, Kashimoto S, Iwashita H, Kumazawa T: Halothane suppresses the increase in intracellular calcium concentration of isolated rat myocytes during hydrogen peroxide perfusion. Journal of Anesthesia. 9, 260-264, 1995
71. Hanagata K, Matsukawa T, Sessler DI, Miyaji T, Funayama T, Koshimizu M, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Isoflurane and sevoflurane produce a dose-dependent reduction in the shivering threshold in rabbits. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 81,581-584, 1995
72. Kume M, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Nakamura T, Kumazawa T: Functional and metabolic effects of nicardipine and diltiazem in the rat heart-lung preparation. Circulation Control. 16,346-352, 1995
73. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Furuya A, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: A novel positive inotropic agent (OPC-18790) improves myocardial function and metabolism in the guinea pig heart. Anesthesia and Resuscitation. 31,233-236, 1995
74. Kashimoto S, Nakamura T, Furuya A, Nonaka A, Matsukawa T, Kumazawa T: Cardiac effects of methylmethacrylate in the rat heart-lung preparation with or without volatile anesthetics. Resuscitation. 30,269-273, 1995
75. Kume M, Kashimoto S, Ikeya K, Kumazawa T: Interaction of diltiazem and volatile anesthetics on cardiac function and myocardial metabolism in the rat heart-lung preparation. Circulation Control. 17,50-56, 1996
76. Nonaka A, Kashimoto S: Does pre-operative epidural buprenorphine improve postoperative pain? The Pain Clinic. 9,41-48, 1996
77. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Ozaki M, Shindo S, Kumazawa T: Temperatures measured by a deep body thermometer (Coretemp) compared with tissue temperatures measured at various depths using needles placed into the sole of the foot. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 13,340-345, 1996
78. Nakamura T, Kashimoto S, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Flumazenil does not antagonize the cardiac effects of midazolam in the isolated rat heart-lung preparation. Journal of Anesthesia. 10,190-193, 1996
79. Matsuoka H, Nonaka A, Kashimoto S *, Yamaguchi T, Uchida M, Kumazawa T: Subcutaneous versus epidural administration of fentanyl for postoperative analgesia. Yamanashi Medical Journal. 11,49-52, 1996
80. Kume M, Kashimoto S, Furuya A, Kumazawa T: Amrinone improves postischemic myocardial metabolism in the rat heart-lung preparation. Journal of Anesthesia. 10,269-275, 1996
81. Kashimoto S, Doursout M, Wouters P, Oguchi T, Chelly JE: Effects of bupivacaine and lidocaine on cardiac function in awake and pentobarbital-anesthetized rats. Journal of Anesthesia. 11,38-43, 1997
82. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Ikeya K, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Calcium antagonists depress cardiac function after coronary ligation in rats. Circulation Control. 18,24-29, 1997
83. Kashimoto S, Furuya A, Nonaka A, Oguchi T, Koshimizu M, Kumazawa T: The minimum alveolar concentration of sevoflurane in rats. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 14,359-361, 1997
84. Yamaguchi T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Effects of flumazenil on function and metabolism in the ischemic working rat heart. Circulation Control. 18,364-368, 1997
85. Nonaka A, Kashimoto S, Imamura M, Furuya A, Kumazawa T: Mechanism of the negative inotropic effect of midazolam and diazepam in cultured foetal mouse cardiac myocytes. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 14,481-487, 1997
86. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Effects of inhalation anesthetics on cardiac function and metabolism after coronary ligation in the isolated rat heart. Circulation Control. 18,555-560, 1997
87. Kashimoto S, Narumi Y, Matsukawa T, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Comparative effects of Ringer's acetate and lactate solutions on intraoperative central and peripheral temperatures. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 10,23-27, 1998
88. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Ikeya K, Kumazawa T: Effects of sevoflurane and isoflurane on free radical formation in the post-ischaemic reperfused heart. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 15,553-558, 1998
89. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Ikeya K, Ishiyama T, Kumazawa T: Effects of melatonin and superoxide dismutase on free radical formation in the postischemic reperfuded rat. Journal of Anesthesia. 13,23-28, 1999
90. Nakamura T, Kashimoto S *, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Hydroxyl radical formation during inhalation anesthesia in the reperfused working rat heart. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia. 46,470-475, 1999
91. Ishiyama T, Kawamura A, Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Significant increase in blood pressure after discontinuation of propofol following cardiac surgery. Circulation Control. 21,37-40, 2000
92. Nonaka A, Kashimoto S, Furuya A, Kumazawa: Inhibitory effects of propofol on hydrogen-peroxide induced oxidative injury in mouse myocytes. Yamanashi Medical Journal. 15,59-67, 2000
93. Kashimoto S, Kume M, Ikeya K, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: High dose propofol decreases hydroxyl radical formation in the postischemic reperfused heart. Experimental & Clinical Cardiology. 5,65-69, 2000
94. Kashimoto S, Masui K, Sugawara T, Wakabayashi M, Kumazawa T: Recovery from Anesthesia: Comparison of propofol and isoflurane for general anesthesia with or without nitrous oxide. Yamanashi Medical Journal. 15,97-105, 2000
95. Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Masui K, Kumazawa T: Sevoflurane reduces dysrhythmias during reperfusion in the working rat heart. Journal of Anesthesia. 15,22-28, 2001
96. Furuya A, Kume S, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Effects of cibenzoline on cardiac function and metabolism in the rat heart-lung preparation. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 18,184-188, 2001
97. Tamaki F, Oguchi T, Kashimoto S *, Nonaka A, Kumazawa T: Effects of propofol on ischemia and reperfusion in the isolated rat heart compared with thiamylal. Japanese Heart Journal. 42,193-206, 2001
98. Oguchi T, Doursout M-F, Kashimoto S, Liang YY, Hartley CJ, Chelly JE: Role of heparin and nitric oxide in the cardiac and regional hemodynamic properties of protamine in conscious chronically instrumented dogs. Anesthesiology. 94,1016-1025, 2001
99. Ishiyama T, Yamaguchi T, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Effects of epidural fentanyl and intravenous flurbiprofen for visceral pain during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Journal of Anesthesia. 15,69-73, 2001
100. Doursout MF, Wouters P, Kashimoto S, Hartley CJ, Rabinovitz R, Chelly JE: Measurement of cardiac function in conscious rats. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 27,195-202, 2001
101. Kashimoto S, Furuya A, Kume M, Yamaguchi T, Kumazawa T: Effects of glibenclamide on hydroxyl radical formation in the postischaemic reperfused heart with or without inhalation anaesthetics. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 18,811-815, 2001
102. Furuya A, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Effects of nicorandil on myocardial function and metabolism in the post-ischaemic reperfused heart with or without inhalation anaesthetics. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. 46,24-29, 2002
103. Yamaguchi T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Kumazawa T: Glyburide prevents isoflurane's reducing effects on hydroxyl radical formation in the postischemic reperfused rat heart. Experimental & Clinical Cardiology. 7,25-29, 2002
104. Ishiyama T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Matsukawa T, Kumazawa T: The effects of clonidine premedication on the blood pressure and tachycardiac responses to ephedrine in elderly and young patients during propofol anesthesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 96,136-141, 2003
105. Ishiyama T, Oguchi T, Iijima T, Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Kumazawa T: Ephedrine, but not phentlephrine, increases bispectral index values during combined general and epidural anesthesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 97, 780-784, 2003
106. Ishiyama T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Yamaguchi T, Okuyama K, Kumazawa T: Epidural ropivacaine anesthesia decreases the bispectral index during the awake phase and sevoflurane general anesthesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 100, 728-732, 2005
107. Seki M, Kashimoto S, Nagata O, Yoshioka H, Ishiguro T, Nishimura K, Honda, O, Sakamoto A, Omi A, Ogihara Y, Fujimoto K, Iwade M, Yamada T, Nomura M, Takeda J: Are the incidence of cardiac events during noncardiac surgery in Japan the same as in the United States and Europe? Anesthesia and Analgesia. 100, 1236-1240, 2005
108. Kawamura A, Kashimoto S, Zhao Hang, Nagamine N, Mitani S, Sugawara T: Evaluation of hemodynamic and oxygenation in climbers with acute mountain sicckness. Yamanashi Medical Journal. 21, 9-14, 2006
109. Masui K, Kashimoto S, Furuya A, Oguchi T: Isoflurane and sevoflurane during reperfusion prevent recovery from ischaemia in mitochondrial KATP channel blocker pretreated hearts. European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 23, 123-129, 2006
110. Ishiyama T, Kashimoto S, Oguchi T, Furuya A, Fukushima H, Kumazawa T: Clonidine-ephedrine combination reduces pain on injection of propofol and blunts hemodynamic stress responses during the induction sequence. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 18, 211-215, 2006
111. Kashimoto S, Seki M, Ishiguro T, Yoshioka H, Nagata O, Nishimura K, Kikuchi T, Yamada T, Iwade M, Omi A, Honda O, Sakamoto A, Ogihara Y, Fujimoto K, Nakaigawa Y, Kato J, Watanabe A, Nomura M, Takeda J: Nicorandil decreases cardiac events during and after noncardiac surgery. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 19,44-48, 2007
112. Zhao H, Sugawara , Miura S, Iijima T, Kashimoto S *: Intrathecal landiolol inhibits nociception and spinal c-Fos expression in the mouse formalin test. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 54, 201-207, 2007
113. Iijima T, Ishiyama T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Andoh T, Hanawa K, Tanzawa I, Kawata K, Hanawa T, Hiejima Y: Comparison of Three Different Concentrations of Ropivacaine with Fentanyl for Patient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia. Anesthesia and Analgesia 105, 507-511.


1. 樫本温,熊澤光生,高橋薫,鹿野貴正,塩崎正英,前納博,永野允:
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2. 永野允,高橋薫,前野博,竹内康人,鹿野貴正,樫本温:心筋の構造と代謝1983,Superoxide dismutaseの心筋保護作用,p143-152,心筋代謝研究会編,六法出版社,1984年
3. 田中行夫,樫本温,斉藤裕,真鍋雅信,熊澤光生,望月正武:心筋の構造と代謝 1983,Ratの虚血心の代謝に与えるサイオペンタールの影響,p173-182,心筋代謝研究会編,六法出版社,1984年
4. 樫本温,日野原真一,立沢恵美子,田中行夫,熊澤光生: 心筋の構造と代謝 1984, Rate pressure product と心筋代謝,p81-88, 心筋代謝研究会編,六法出版社,1985年
5. 樫本温,日野原真一,宮地隆治,田中行夫,熊沢光生: 心筋の構造と代謝 1985, 高負荷ラット潅流心における酸素障害とDiltiazemの心筋保護作用, p157-165,心筋代謝研究会編,六法出版社,1986年
6. 日野原真一,樫本温,神田史大,熊沢光生:心筋の構造と代謝 1986,Ratの虚血心の代謝に与えるサイオペンタールの影響:第2報,p241-249,心筋代謝研究会編,六法出版社,1987年
7. 樫本温:集中治療,ICU における薬剤の知識と使い方ー1麻酔薬、2局所麻酔薬,p1075-1080,天羽敬祐,早川弘一,平澤博之編,総合医学社,1994年
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9. 樫本温:専門医のための麻酔科学レビュー98,麻酔と心機能,p12-16,天羽敬祐編,総合医学社,1998年
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11. 古屋敦司,樫本温: 臨床看護11,注射法のための解剖・生理学,p1899-1905,佐藤千史編,へるす出版,1999年
12. 増井健一,野中明彦,樫本温,熊澤光生:麻酔・集中治療とテクノロジー2000,Windows95/98で動くプロポフォール薬物動態シミュレーションソフトの試作,p28-31,豊岡秀訓,橋本悟,田中義文編,克誠堂出版,2001年
13. 増井健一,野中明彦,樫本温,熊澤光生:麻酔・集中治療とテクノロジー2001,年齢によるPharmacodynamicsの影響を取り入れたTCIソフトウェア,p45-47,新井達潤,橋本悟,田中義文編,克誠堂出版,2001年
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19. Matsukawa T, Kashimoto S, Miyaji T, Hanagata K, Kumazawa T: The Adapted Heart,Effects of halothane plus nitrous oxide on the peripheral vasoconstriction and shivering induced by internal body cooling in rabbits.,p449-454,Nagano M, Takeda N, Dhalla NS,Raven Press,1994
20. Masui K, Oguchi T, Kashimoto S, Yamaguchi T, Kumazawa T: The Hypertrophied Heart, Effects of melatonin on cardiac function and metabolism in the ischemic working rat heart. p453-461,Takeda N, Nagano M, Dhalla NS, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000





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